Fire Analytics

Fire Analytics - Purpose

Fire Analytics is provided for the betterment of the fire service in general. This is an information sharing site. Feel free to the information provided. Add some if you have things to share. There are links to other sites that will help you. Resources to help educate yourself and others and photos that I or others have taken which are yours to use as you see fit in your presentations or classes.

The materials in this site have been collected over 40 years of projects and assignments. Some do not have the authors annotated. If it is your work, we will give credit or if you do not want it here, please let us know and we will take it down immediately. We are not interesting in "stealing" anyone's work. We are all about sharing and making the fire service a better place for everyone.

Please send comments and information you would like to share to

Webmaster: Gene F. Begnell